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Home / The Grubs Times / How Much Dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae Does Your Chicken Need?
How Much Dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae Does Your Chicken Need?

How Much Dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae Does Your Chicken Need?

Dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) is becoming the go-to food for backyard chicken owners everywhere. It is packed with nutrition and is more eco-friendly than traditional feed. But, one question remains – how much BSFL should you be giving your feathered friends? In this blog post, we’ll go over everything you need to know about feeding your backyard chickens dried black soldier fly larvae.


Start small, and build up slowly

The first rule of feeding your chickens BSFL is to not go overboard. You want to start small, with just a few larvae. This is important because chickens can sometimes have sensitivities to new foods. Start small, and build up their tolerance to BSFL slowly. If you notice any unusual behavior or upset stomachs, cut back.


Don’t forget the protein factor

Dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae is primarily a protein source. If you want your chickens to get the most out of their feeding, make sure you are using it as a supplement to their regular diet. Your chickens need a balanced diet, and too much protein can lead to health problems. A good guideline is to use about 5-10% of their diet as BSFL.


Vary the serving sizes

The amount of BSFL your chickens need can vary based on their age, size, and activity level. Generally, a serving size of BSFL is about 10% of their total diet. So, if you have six chickens, giving them half a cup to a full cup of BSFL per day is plenty. You also don’t have to give them the same amount every day. They can have more on days when they are more active and less on days when they are less active.


Mix it up with other treats

Your chickens don’t just want to eat the same thing every day. They need variety to keep them happy and healthy. Adding in other treats like fruits, vegetables, and grains can help diversify their diet. If you’re unsure about what treats to feed your chickens, consult with your local feed store or veterinarian.


Store your BSFL properly

Dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae can spoil like any other food if left out in the open air. Proper storage is fundamental to its long-term viability. Keep it airtight, and in a cool, dry place. This will help preserve its shelf life.


To conclude, feeding your chickens dried black soldier fly larvae is a great way to supplement their diet with protein while being environmentally conscious. By starting small, varying the serving size, and mixing up other treats, you can ensure that your chickens are getting a healthy and balanced diet. Remember, your chickens need a varied diet, so don’t rely entirely on BSFL. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your local feed store or veterinarian. Happy feeding!


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