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Home / The Grubs Times / The Most Popular Domestic Backyard Birds Beyond Chickens in 2023
The Most Popular Domestic Backyard Birds Beyond Chickens in 2023

The Most Popular Domestic Backyard Birds Beyond Chickens in 2023

There’s no doubt that chickens make great pets and for many people loving and taking care of them is a fun and rewarding experience. However, for those who are looking for other feathered friends to share their backyard, there are a variety of different birds to consider. In this blog, we will list and introduce five of the most popular domestic backyard birds besides chickens in the US in 2023.


Ducks: If you’re looking to add some fun and water-loving birds to your backyard flock, ducks are a great choice. They are hardy and adaptable, making them easy to care for. Most domestic ducks will lay eggs regularly and make good pets as they can be quite social, affectionate, and intelligent.


Guineafowl: These birds are known for their loud call and unique appearance. In addition to being entertaining, guineafowl are also great at controlling insects. They can be a bit skittish when handled, but with proper care and socialization, they can make wonderful pets.


Turkeys: For those interested in raising larger birds, turkeys are another popular domestic backyard bird. They are easy to care for and make great companions. Turkeys are also excellent foragers and can be helpful in pest control. If you plan to purchase a turkey, make sure to choose either a heritage breed or a broad-breasted breed, depending on your needs and preferences.


Geese: These birds love swimming and are avid foragers. They can help keep your yard free of pests while also providing you with fresh eggs. However, geese tend to be quite loud and territorial, so it’s important to give them plenty of space. They can also be quite aggressive if they feel threatened, so it’s important to handle them with care.


Pigeons: Pigeons are incredibly adaptable and can thrive even in urban environments. They are easy to care for and make great pets. Although some people consider them pests, others appreciate their unique beauty and intelligence. Pigeons are also known for their homing instinct and can be trained to fly back to their coop after being released.



While chicken-keeping is still very popular, there are plenty of other domestic backyard birds to consider. Ducks, guineafowl, turkeys, geese, and pigeons can all make great pets while also providing a variety of benefits such as pest control, egg-laying, and more. If you’re looking for other feathered friends to add to your backyard, take some time to research each species to determine which is best for you.


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