What Type of Medication Should You Always Have On Hand for Your Flock?
As a backyard chicken owner, you must always be prepared for any health issues that may arise with your flock. While prevention is always the best approach, it is essential to have the necessary medication on hand in case of an emergency. Read on to check out the meds that we recommend you to always keep on hand.
Antibiotics: While many of us are not a big fan of antibiotics, and prefer to use their natural alternatives, for serious infections, antibiotics are still an essential part of any chicken first-aid kit. They are used to treat bacterial infections that may occur in your flock. Common antibiotics used for chickens include Tetracycline, Oxytetracycline, and Amoxicillin. However, it is important to note that the use of antibiotics in chickens should always be done under the supervision of a veterinarian. Your flock may not be suffering from a bacterial but a viral or other types of diseases so administering antibiotics when they're not needed will only harm the birds immune systems.
Dewormer: Internal parasites are a common problem among backyard chickens. Regular deworming is necessary to keep your flock healthy. Fenbendazole and Piperazine are two common dewormers that can be used for chickens. It is recommended to deworm your chickens at least twice a year, but more frequent deworming may be necessary if your chickens have a heavy parasite load.
Poultry Dust: Poultry dust is used to control external parasites such as mites and lice. These parasites can cause feather loss, irritation, and anemia in your flock. Poultry dust contains Permethrin, which is a highly effective insecticide that kills mites and lice on contact.
Electrolytes: Electrolytes are considered a supplement more than a medicine. They are essential for maintaining proper hydration and preventing dehydration in your flock. Chickens can become dehydrated quickly, especially during hot weather or if they are sick. Electrolytes can be added to their drinking water to help replenish lost fluids and maintain their health.
Probiotics: Another item on the list which can be classified as a supplement are probiotics. They are composed of beneficial bacteria that can help improve your chicken's digestive health. They can also boost your chicken's immune system and help prevent infections. Probiotics can be added to your chicken's water or feed to help maintain a healthy gut.
Vitamin Supplements: Vitamins are essential for the overall health and wellbeing of your chickens. They play a crucial role in maintaining healthy bones, feathers, and internal organs. Vitamin supplements can be added to your chicken's feed to ensure they are getting the necessary vitamins and minerals they need to thrive.
Pain Relievers: Pain relievers are used to alleviate pain and inflammation in chickens. They may be necessary after surgery or if your chicken is suffering from an injury or illness. Common pain relievers used for chickens include Aspirin and Ibuprofen, but again, these should only be used under the guidance of a veterinarian. You don't want remnants of the medicine in your eggs or chicken meat.
Antifungal Medication: Fungal infections such as Aspergillosis can be a serious problem in backyard flocks. Antifungal medication can be used to treat these types of infections. Common antifungal medications include Amphotericin B and Itraconazole.
Wound Care Products: It is essential to have wound care products on hand in case of injuries to your flock. These may include wound sprays, antiseptic ointments, and bandages. It is important to keep wounds clean and protected to prevent infection and promote healing.
In summary, it is essential to keep a well-stocked chicken first-aid kit on hand in case of any health emergencies with your flock. These nine types of medication and supplements are essential for maintaining the health and wellbeing of your chickens. Always consult with a veterinarian before administering any medication to your chickens to ensure proper dosages and to prevent any potential adverse effects. By being prepared and proactive, so that you can help keep your flock stay healthy and happy for years to come.
Jun 15, 2024 • Posted by Nick (Supreme Grubs)
Hi Hosea, thank you for asking! There are many resources out there. We try to cover some aspects of backyard chicken keeping though with a focus on black soldier fly chicken treats. While it’s hard to single out just one comprehensive resource, my personal favorite would be The Happy Chicken Coop – they have very interesting articles and cover a variety of topics.
Jun 15, 2024 • Posted by HOSEA WAKNY JOEL
I need more information on how to keep poultry farm healthy and if there are some information that’s required me it will be of great help.